Monday, April 22, 2013

When is a door not a door?

When it's ajar. I don't know, for some reason my parents used to tell that joke a lot. Especially in the car.

Ok, now that I clearly have your roaring in laughter, let's get to the actual point of this post. I recently posted new pictures of my repainted room, and was so proud to get so much nice feedback! I really love it, and of course that is what matters the most, since I am the one who lives in this space, but I still love so much hearing that my friends and family love it, too!

But there was something a few of you may have noticed in the pictures... Why didn't I paint the closet door? The trim around it is painted bright white, but the door itself is a dingy off white. Not a great look!

Well, I didn't bother painting that door for 2 reasons:
1. Painting doors is a task I find particularly annoying for some reason.
2. I was considering removing it all together.

Why remove the door?

Well, it went to a closet, so a sound and privacy barrier between my room and the closet wasn't much of a concern. Also, in such a small room (can you tell from the pictures that this room is SMALL?) the door really got in the way. It couldn't open all the way without hitting the dresser, and when it was left open (which I would do occasionally when I was in the process of getting ready for the day and needed to go in and out of the closet a bunch- the closet is not only where I keep my clothes but also my jewlery and make up) it constantly seemed to be in my way!

So I took it out. On my own (why am I bragging about this?). And hid it behind the BILLY bookshelf from ikea that I use in my closet to organize my shoes, make up, and jewlery. Bye bye, door.

Hello pretty, geometric curtain.

I really love the pattern on the curtain on its own, but I am not 100% sure it belongs in the room- too busy?
Either way I do really like no longer having a door there to get in my way...

I am considering taking down some pictures (they will maybe find new homes in another room?) and removing some of the cute stuff that starts to look like clutter. I am thinking if I make the rest of the room a bit more minimal, the pattern on the curtain won't overwhelm. It sure is hard having a small space like this to myself- given that the rest of the house was already decorated by my roommates before I moved in, much of the stuff I love ends up crammed in here!

What do you think- should I declutter (even the things I really like) to make the curtain I love work better? Or should I save the curtain for a future project and buy one with a more simple look to not overwhelm the space? Maybe just replacing the night stand with something plain and white that would draw very little attention to itself would do the trick? HELP ME!

In case you are wondering, the curtain is from Urban outfitters, and is currently on clearance.

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